It has come to our attention that all therapy items written back to Vision 3 which were originally added from Vision Anywhere do not have an associated drug class assigned to them.
The drug class data entity determines which section of the British National Formulary (BNF) a drug is listed. This affects all practices who receive data as part of a shared care service which uses Vision Anywhere and practices using Vision Anywhere for out of surgery consultations.
This issue does not have any significant impact on direct patient care as none of our clinical decision support or payment related reports and extracts rely on the drug class entity. However, the figures for certain Clinical Audit lines search using drug class may not be accurate (please see list below) and any ad hoc search and reports you have created which search on the drug class entity may be affected.
How will this be fixed?
- Vision Anywhere - This issue will be fixed in Vision Anywhere version 3.5 on all platforms.
- Vision 3 - To rectify historical therapy entries that don’t have a drug class, we are aiming to issue a fix as part of the February Gemscript update which will form part of all future drug dictionary updates. This will ensure that any existing therapy entry without a drug class will be automatically mapped to the default drug class.
What do I need to do?
- We have created new additions to the “INPS Daily” Clinical Audits (click here to download) with some audit lines which identify patient records affected by the issue. You can manually update records if required or wait for the Gemscript release which will automatically resolve the issue.
- Until the fix is in place, please bear in mind that any ad-hoc searches that use the drug class entity may not give accurate results. You may want to update your searches so that they search on specific drug names in the meantime.
- The following monthly “INPS V2” Clinical Audits use drug class within some audit report lines, therefore the associated figures and active reminders may not be accurate until the fix is issued and the audits are re-generated:
- Cardiovascular System - Angina
- Cardiovascular System - CHD (Angina & MI)
- Cardiovascular System - Hypertension
- Endocrine/Metabolic Disease - Diabetes and HbA1c Testing
- Endocrine/Metabolic Disease - Hyperthyroidism
- Genito-Urinary Disease - Prostatic Disease
- Risk Assessments - Patients at High Risk of Developing CVD
- Therapeutics - Anticoagulants
- Therapeutics - Antipsychotics Monitoring
- Therapeutics - High Risk Prescribing
- Therapeutics - SABA Inhalers
- Women's Health - Contraception