Consultation Manager

Did you know you can graph specific information in a patient's record in Consultation Manager?

Any numeric data in Consultation Manager can be viewed as a graph.

Graphs are especially useful for viewing numerical data and for demonstrating trends to patients. But did you know that if you have a lot of data on a chart, you can expand a particular area of the graph you are interested in viewing?

  • Right click on a data line, for example, weight and select Graph. The graph displays:

    CM - Graph

    • To expand the area you are interested in, position the cursor to the left and above the area, hold down the left mouse click and drag the resulting square around the result. Let the mouse click go and the area expands.
    • To revert to displaying all data, select Fit to Graph CM - Graph - Fit to Graph-1.

    Training Tip - For more information on graphs, see Displaying Data as a Graph in the Consultation Manager Help Centre for further details.